Every dentist visit, you have been asked if you floss regularly.
Did you know that more than a quarter of Americans are dishonest about their flossing frequency?
In a June 2015 Harris Poll by the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), over 14 percent of individuals would choose to clean a toilet instead of flossing daily.
But, why? Some report a feeling of discomfort, a lack of time or misinformation about the impacts of flossing. Most people underestimate the consequences they will face when they forgo flossing for a lifetime. Gum disease is a prevalent risk, impacting one out of every two individuals over the age of 30 according to the American Academy of Periodontology. Gum disease is reversible with flossing until the chronic inflammatory disease gradually worsens causing permanent bone loss.
Flossing is the most effective, preventative, and proactive approach one can take towards their oral health. Fill out the form on the right to learn more and to download a complimentary copy of our eBook entitled “A No-Nonsense Guide to Flossing: How To Conquer This Important Daily Habit.” Do not wait—get the facts now and make an informed decision about whether avoiding flossing is one cost you can afford to bear.
To schedule a checkup with Penn Dental Family Practice, call us at 215-898-7337.