Insurance Plans

We Have a Total Of 3 Insurance Plans

When you opt for a Penn Dental Plan for your dental insurance, you have access to some of Philadelphia’s most experienced providers and a wide range of dental specialties—all under one roof. The plans are convenient and affordable, offering coverage that others don’t, including orthodontics, cosmetic dentistry, and prosthodontics. PDFP’s already low fees are even more affordable thanks to the plans, which cover up to 100% of necessary dental care. Compare your Penn Dental Plan options to other plans, and see how much you can save on high-quality dental care.

The following chart reflects a summary of the coverage for information purposes only. Please refer to the Plan Document for detailed coverage including limitations and exclusions.

Penn Dental Plan for University Employees and Dependents

Penn Dental Plan for University Employees and DependentsPDFP Dental Plan for Faculty & Staff of the University of Pennsylvania.
Maximum Annual Coverage Per Individual: $3,000.
No Deductible

Make An Appointment

Insurance Plan Coverage

Diagnostic & Preventive Care

Routine examinations and prophys/cleanings (twice annually), Radiographs, fluoride applications and sealants (for children through age 15).

Restorative Care

Composites (tooth-colored fillings); co-pays may apply on certain procedures.

Oral Surgery

Typically covered under your medical plan; for complex extractions, a co-pay may apply.

Endodontics & Periodontics

Endo: Root canal therapy, pulp treatment, pulpotomy, apicoectomy. Perio (gum treatment): Surgical and non-surgical periodontics including subgingival curettage, scaling and root planing, periodontal maintenance.


Crowns, bridges, inlays, and dentures

Implant Surgery

Implant surgery is covered at 50% and crown restoration is covered at 60%. Other components not covered such as bone & abutment may be required.

Orthodontics (adult & child) – including Invisible Braces

One orthodontic treatment per lifetime for children and adults, subject to a maximum $2,000 benefit.

Cosmetic & Occlusal Nightguards

Bleaching is excluded from the Cosmetic benefit, although the fee has been significantly reduced. Occlusal Nightguards limited to 1 in 3 years.

Penn Dental Plan for UPHS Employees and Dependents

Penn Dental Plan for UPHS Employees and DependentsDental Plan for University of Penn Health System Employees and Dependents.
Maximum Annual Coverage Per Individual: $3,000.
Annual Deductible: $50/person ($150/family)

Make An Appointment

Insurance Plan Coverage

Diagnostic and Preventive Care

Routine examinations and prophys/cleanings (twice annually), Radiographs, fluoride applications and sealants (for children through age 15).

Restorative Care

Composites (tooth-colored fillings); co-pays may apply on certain procedures.

Oral Surgery

Typically covered under your medical plan; for complex extractions, a co-pay may apply.

Endodontics & Periodontics

Endo: Root canal therapy, pulp treatment, pulpotomy, apicoectomy. Perio (gum treatment): Surgical and non-surgical periodontics including subgingival curettage, scaling and root planing, periodontal maintenance.


Crowns, bridges, inlays, and dentures

Implant Surgery

Implant surgery is covered at 50% and crown restoration is covered at 60%. Other components not covered such as bone & abutment may be required.

Orthodontics (adult & child) – including Invisible Braces

One orthodontic treatment per lifetime for children and adults, subject to a maximum $2,000 lifetime benefit.

Occlusal Nightguards

Occlusal Nightguards limited to 1 in 3 years.

Penn Dental Plan for Students of the University of Pennsylvania

Penn Dental Plan for Students of the University of PennsylvaniaDental Plan for Students of the University of Pennsylvania.
Maximum Annual Coverage Per Individual: $2,000.
Annual Coverage Per Individual: $2,000 / Annual Deductible: $50

Students Enroll Here

Insurance Plan Coverage

Diagnostic and Preventive Care

Routine examinations and prophys/cleanings (twice annually), Radiographs, fluoride applications and sealants (for children through age 15).

Restorative Care

Composites (tooth-colored fillings); co-pays may apply on certain procedures.

Oral Surgery

Typically covered under your medical plan; for complex extractions, a co-pay may apply.

Endodontics & Periodontics

Endo: Root canal therapy, pulp treatment, pulpotomy, apicoectomy. Perio (gum treatment): Surgical and non-surgical periodontics including subgingival curettage, scaling and root planing, periodontal maintenance.


Crowns, bridges, inlays, and dentures

Implant Surgery

Implant surgery is covered at 50% and crown restoration is covered at 50%. Other components not covered such as bone & abutment may be required

Orthodontics – including Invisible Braces

One orthodontic treatment per lifetime for children and adults, subject to a maximum $2,000 benefit.

Occlusal Nightguards

Occlusal Nightguards limited to 1 in 3 years.

Get Your Appointment Now
We look forward to serving you and your family.