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Although your teeth are designed to handle an incredible amount of pressure, sometimes they crack or break. Whether you have a broken tooth due to an injury, biting into something hard, or you have no idea what’s caused the damage, you will likely wonder how to fix a broken tooth.
While you should never attempt to fix a broken tooth at home, the doctors at Penn Dental Family Practice do have recommendations for how to care for a broken tooth until you can see your dentist.
Sometimes, you might not notice right away that you have a chipped or broken tooth. When that happens, you may not be concerned about how to fix a broken tooth — but you should be.
Ignoring a broken tooth can cause infection. Depending on the extent of the damage, the longer it’s left untreated, the greater the chance that you’ll end up losing the entire tooth. The sooner you see a Penn Doctor, the more options they have for fixing the tooth.
If your tooth is only chipped, or just a small part has broken off, your dentist may be able to fix it with a filling or dental bonding. More extensive damage may require a dental crown, or cap over the remaining tooth. If the tooth needs to be removed, a prosthetic dental implant may be used. In any case, the dentist can restore the full function of the tooth, prevent infection, and stop the pain.
Over the course of your life you’ve probably heard lots of things about how to fix a broken tooth, and what to do if one happens to you. At the same time, you probably see information for products and methods that may not be dentist recommended when it comes to actually saving your damaged tooth.
If you have an injured tooth, here are some important do’s and don’ts to remember.
If your desire to treat the injury yourself is due to anxiety about visiting a dentist, you’re not alone. Fortunately, the doctors at Penn Dental Family Practice understand that dental anxiety is common, and are more than happy to discuss your concerns. Don’t let your fear or anxiety about the dentist keep you from getting the help you need.
Are you or a loved one wondering how to fix a broken tooth? Schedule an appointment with a Penn Doctor, or call us at 215-898-PDFP (7337) right away. And if you want to know more about restoring your smile with dental implants, download our complimentary flyer “Create Your Dream Smile With Penn Dental Family Practice.” This quick read covers the basics, and helps answer your questions about tooth replacement and achieving the smile of your dreams.