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How do you know if you’re a good candidate for dental implants? Anyone who has missing teeth is an excellent candidate for dental implants. However, it is important that you are in good health in order for the dental implants to successfully fuse to the bone. People that suffer from cancer, alcoholism, chronic gum disease, smoking, radiation to the jaw, or diabetes may not benefit from dental implants. If you want to know how to get dental implants you’ll need to see a dentist that can assess your situation.
A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is fixed to your jawbone. There are two types of dental implants:
The number of people receiving implants is growing by 500,000 a year, according to the American Academy of Implant Dentistry. Dental implants are benefiting millions of people with missing teeth. If you have missing teeth or think you’d benefit from dental implants it’s time to make an appointment with Penn Dental Family Practice!
When you come to Penn Dental Family Practice for your initial consultation your dentist will go over your medical and dental history, take x-rays of your teeth, and perform a dental examination. With this information, your dentist and periodontist will collaborate together to determine the best course of action.
How to get dental implants can be easy depending on your medical and dental health. Dental implants can be done in a one, two, or a three step process. Below you’ll read about the three dental implant processes to give you the smile you desire.
At Penn Dental Family Practice, we want to show you how to get dental implants the best way possible, and restore your smile. Call today (215)898-PDFP (7337)