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When your wedding is around the corner it’s easy to become overwhelmed by the number of things you need to do!
Besides logistics, a dress, shoes, guests, etc., you’ll want to go the whole nine yards to make sure you’re looking your best when the special day comes. This is a day to remember for your whole life… which your pictures will help you do when nothing else does.
One aspect of your appearance that many brides forget until the last minute is the brightness of your smile. It’s a wonderful feeling to walk down the aisle with your teeth unstained and unblemished, like the whiteness of your dress. Don’t wait too long to look into this option if you’re considering taking advantage of this occasion to get your teeth whitened.
In this article, we want to outline our major Dos and Don’ts for brides. Wedding day, watch out!
DON’T go on a restrictive diet or hardcore exercise routines before your wedding. Keep up a regular exercise schedule and normal eating habits to keep your energy levels high and well-regulated. Depriving your body of essential nutrients or pushing yourself to the limit can mess with your metabolism, and potentially your skin, hair, and nails as well.
DO schedule a time to visit your local family dentist to learn about whitening options. When you come into Penn Dental Family Practice you’ll meet a whitening specialist, who will explain the whole procedure and the results you can expect. The procedure takes an hour and a half, by which time most patients will notice that their smiles are anywhere between five and seven shades lighter. When you leave, you’ll receive take-home trays to use for touch up and maintenance.
DON’T buy teeth whitening strips at the pharmacy. Products vary in effectiveness, and because you don’t know what it contains, you can’t control the effects. Some teeth whitening kits have even been known to damage your teeth and gums. The ones that work don’t last as long, nor are as effective, as a professional dental whitening kit.
DO use the take-home trays that your dentist sends home with you. It is safe (unlike some knockoffs you’ll find in the pharmacy) and will help you ensure the continuity of your whitening treatment. It’s easy and way less stress than a traditional home kit would be, not to mention that you KNOW it will whiten your teeth.
Being a bride isn’t always easy, but it’s a very exciting time. And nothing speaks of confidence and joy on your special day as much as a beautiful smile. The good news is that you can do it anytime during the wedding prep process. All you have to do is get your visit scheduled at the dentist and —just like that! You have the bright, beautiful smile you’ve been waiting for!
Don’t neglect this important part of your wedding prep. Teeth whitening will help you look—and thus feel—better on your happy day. Don’t forget to mention it to your groom, too—he might want to get a matching smile.
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