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If you experience stress or anxiety related to visiting the dentist, rest assured that you are not alone. A meta-study that included populations from around the world found that 10-30% of people are affected by dental anxiety. While this statistic varies depending on sample selection and sociocultural variables, it provides proof that you are not alone.
If your anxiety is holding you back from making an appointment, you probably have more than a case of simple nerves. It is important to realize people aren’t born fearing the dentist. Most fears can be traced back to one or more negative experiences with the dentist. Unfortunately, these fears may be inadvertently reinforced with subsequent visits.
When a dental appointment approached in past, did you notice sweaty palms, an increased heart rate, and a knot in your stomach? These unpleasant sensations can further magnify any fear associated with the dentist, even if the overall experience wasn’t negative. Dental anxiety affects many people precisely because they don’t experience an oral examination in the dental chair every day, so a single memory can be amplified.
Fortunately, there are actions that you and your dentist can take to help manage and even reduce your dental anxiety.
According to the U.S. National Library of Medicine, a phobia is a strong, irrational fear of something that poses little or no real danger; it is a type of anxiety disorder. To overcome a phobia, it is necessary to develop positive feelings and associations with the source of the fear. In the case of dental phobia and anxiety, positive associations must be developed with the dentist. Also, speaking openly with your dentist about your fears can help you tackle them. Your dentist, in turn, can provide treatment in a way that is sensitive to your needs.
Imagine a trusting relationship with your dentist, one that allows you to feel completely comfortable throughout your procedure. We want you to come out of your experience not only with better teeth but also a more tranquil state of mind.
Penn Dental Family Practice is experienced in working with patients who suffer from dental anxiety. We provide patient-centered care that is sensitive to your needs because we believe your dental visit should always be a positive experience. To make your appointment with a Penn Dental Family Practice dentist, please call 215-898-7337 or fill out our patient contact form.