What Is a Dental Emergency?
What is a dental emergency? Discover what you should do in case of a severe toothache, cracked tooth, or other urgent issue with your teeth or gums.
What is a dental emergency? Discover what you should do in case of a severe toothache, cracked tooth, or other urgent issue with your teeth or gums.
Halloween candy, teeth, & dental health have a connection—but it might not be as scary as you think. Check out these myth-busters for a boo-tiful smile.
Can wisdom teeth cause migraines? Yes, as can TMJ, grinding teeth, and more. Talk to a PDFP dentist to find out what to do about these painful connections.
Oil pulling for teeth is trending on social media, but does oil pulling whiten teeth and convey oral health benefits? Get expert information here.
Have you lost a tooth? Discover what to do about your lost tooth, including tooth replacement options your dentist can pursue depending on your situation.
Did you know there’s not just a link between sleep apnea and teeth grinding but dry mouth, gum disease, TMJ, and more? PDFP explains the connection.
Menopause has surprising impacts on your oral health. Penn Dental Family Practice answers your seven top oral health and menopause questions.
Why is oral health important? The first two obvious reasons that come to mind are: No one likes cavities, and everyone likes...
PDFP explains what you need to know about the critical connections between mental health, oral health, and your overall health.
Is honey good for your teeth? PDFP has all the facts about what honey can do for your teeth.